Whole Foods Wishes You a Happy Chanukah

Chanukah is upon us, and the Whole Foods supermarket on Fairfax in Los Angeles is ready to service their Jewish customers.

What do you think?

About The Author

Lara Rabinovitch

Lara Rabinovitch is Heeb's food editor. Follow her @LaraEats.

29 Responses

  1. M Grossman

    Whole Foods figures Ruglach and sufganiot are just too damn tasty for a Jewish holiday. Here’s to the bread of affliction.

  2. steve k.

    Well, it’s obvious that Whole foods assumes the recipe for POTATO LATKES is mainly MATZAH!!!!!!!

  3. Shana

    Every grocery store I’ve ever been in, except for kosher ones, always put out every jewish food for every holiday. Gefilte fish – there, matzoh – there, grape juice – there, hannukah candles in time for Rosh Hashannah – there. Once, a stock guy who was carefully putting foil down on the dairy case shelves asked me why he was supposed to do that. I explained and he seemed really happy to know the reason. Still, annoying.

  4. Judy B. David

    Definitely a goyim ethnic food buyer.

    Dollingk, vy you didn’t esk eny of your nice Jewish friends?

    And to think that you missed the two product we buy for Chanukkah — potato pancake mix and chocolate gelt.


  5. Yehudit

    That’s nothing. A few years ago, the Whole Foods in Columbus Circle had some items in their prepared foods case labeled for Rosh Hashanah, which was coming up. The usual tzimmis and roast chicken and brisket and vegetable sides, and ….. crab cakes.

  6. MikeCatcher50

    Pretty much s.o.p. Virtually every chain supermarket in the US does the same thing. I suspect that the Danzansky’s, who used to own GIANT food in DC (now owned by some Euro-conglomerate) are rotating in their graves. I’d love to see the Piggly Wiggly displays.

    By the way, I never see tagelach. Why?

  7. Howard

    Give them credit for good intentions. Some years ago our Faculty Club manager asked me what food he should serve for the upcoming Jewish holiday. “I think it’s called Yom Kippur,” he said.

  8. Matt W.

    Noticed the exact same thing this past week at our local Whole Foods in the Sugarhouse neighborhood of Salt Lake City. I figured, this is Utah, give them credit for trying…

  9. Sandie Phillips

    It seems that the founder of Gooch’s market, which morphed into Whole Foods, was Sandy Gooch, who was Jewish. Why didn’t they ask HER about appropriate Chanukah foods???

    From:(also) Sandy, also Jewish!

  10. Nina

    I thought it was hilarious when I saw the display..I couldn’t figure out why someone didn’t just CHECK with any of the Jews standing within 3 feet of them at any given time about what might be the right stuff to put out for Chanukah. Oh the goy are so cute.

  11. skaizun

    Hey! Don’t mess with these wonderful people!
    As long as I can get my “Egg & Onion” freak on,
    I’m fine with it!

    And, for the record, they didn’t have to ask anyone
    about foods appropriate for a given Jewish (or any) holiday;
    all they had to do was use that newfangled thing
    called “the internet”! ;)

  12. Sheila

    I’m wondering if anyone who saw the display talked to the manager about it. Of course, they were trying and if we don’t take the opportunity to explain why they missed, how will they even know they were wrong.

  13. Susan

    I can top that one…heading to Hawaii for Rosh Hashanah, my Kosher meal (in 1st class) was Kosher for Passover…nothing like frozen matzah from G-d only knows what year to get you in the spirit of the New Year! Chag Sameach everyone!

  14. Sylvie

    It IS the thought that counts! Matza is used in a recipe for Sephardic Chanukah named bimuelos…deep fried and served with spinach fritada…… Take 1 box matzot, 6 eggs, 1/4 cup sugar, cinnamon. Soak matza in cold water overnight, drain and squeeze water from matza with cheesecloth. Place in bowl, add six eggs, sugar and cinnamon. Heat oil to frying temparature,drop batter by small spoonful into oil and fry to a golden brown. Drain and serve with honey. Chag Sameach and todah rabah to Whole Foods!

  15. Ariel

    they should just have potatoes, carrots, and onions for every Jewish holiday. Play it safe.

  16. Eric

    Actually SuperFresh used to do the opposite…they’d put out Chanukah candles for every Jewish holiday.

  17. Judi

    I think they need to be educAted. In our Jewish owned grocery chain I have to explain the difference between kosher and kosher for Passover every year!!! Wine too!! Get with it guys or I won’t shop there. It’s insulting for while foods not to check. in this day and age it’s sooooo easy.

  18. Lisa

    They do that every friggin year. So does Safeway. Why doesn’t someone tell them that we don’t need Hannuka food? It’s like putting out Easter Bunnies on Thanksgiving.


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