Chosen Art: Klaus Theuerkauf, Mad Genius or Nazi Pornographer?

In the hipster neighborhood of Kreuzberg, adjacent to bars packed with beer-goggled German youth, is the art studio of Klaus Theuerkauf. This docile yet demented Aryan fills his space with disturbing imagery of the Third Reich and his own interpretations of Jewish icons. It’s possibly a grand attempt to exorcise the country’s psychic demons, or perhaps he’s just compelled to construct a Nazi out of a penis and vagina. Either way, seeing his messed up paintings and sculptures, including “cock and cunt soldier” definitely beat out all the touristy shit I did during my trip.

On his Nazi-inspired absurdist works, the artist remains coy; he claims they are not political statements. “It’s like a poem,” Theuerkauf says. Still, this hasn’t stopped the Catholic Church in Bavaria from giving him shit.

Now, Theuerkauf shares with Heeb some of his art, both exhibited pieces and some never-before-seen work. Check out his mad visions after the jump.

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About The Author

Brian Abrams

One Response

  1. kosherkingdom

    “Bin Blut spenden” means “I’m away [just for a minute, I’ll be back] donating blood”.


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