Bubbies for Obama

With the Democratic National Convention underway, it was only a matter of time before the Obama dissing South Florida bubbies were going to hear it from their liberal Manhattan children and grandchildren.

Enter: Bubbies for Obama, a website aiming to "change the world, one bubbie at a time." No easy task, optimisitic online moderator! Just the other day, a thirty-something single Jewish woman had to remind her bubbie again that no, she was not a lesbian, and that yes, she would eventually like to get married and give her bubbie great-grandchildren.

I guess some women are more ready for change than others.

What do you think?

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2 Responses

  1. Puck

    I don’t really get what Obama offers the Jewish community in particular that makes him worth voting for? His position on Israel seems confused at best, with his opinion changing depending on the audience…and then changing again when he gets pulled up b


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