Alaskan Drilling

Its easy to imagine that this is what a voicemail from Senator John McCain to Governor Sarah Palin might sound like.

Comedian Lee Camp posted the hilarious mockmail of the Republican Partys geriatric candidate to the young and comely Palin on the news blog 23/6.

Speaking of good political material for comedians, we look forward to witnessing the boost in Tina Feys popularity, as she will inevitably take her uncanny resemblance to Palin to brilliant comedic levels with a guest appearance on SNL.tina fey

Meanwhile, we continue our quest to find the answers to the questions: If a guy‘s name is Levi, does that mean he‘s Jewish? Heres what we found.

Levi Johnston

We went to Joy Katzen-Guthrie, a researcher and lecturer on the Jewish history and communities of Alaska and remote Jewish communities worldwide, regarding the Jewish community in Wasilla, Alaska and whether or not Levi Johnston might be a tribe member. She told Heeb: “I am not aware of a current Jewish community in Wasilla, although there was a period around 2001 when I was told that a synagogue was being built there. Since that time I have not been able to come up with any information about a Jewish community in Wasilla. The project may not have materialized. The closest Jewish community is Anchorage.”

What do you think?

About The Author


The international media conspiracy and/or the new Jew review. Take your pick.

2 Responses

  1. iconic

    this mockmail is hilarious !!
    ….. In an accidental (?) MSNBC open mic incident, former Regan speechwriter and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, and former McCain adviser and Time columnist Mike Murphy, were recorded saying that the choic


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