Insofar as _Ms._ Magazine is not _Heeb_ Magazine, Jewdar is not inclined to read it in the first place. However, now we are now tempted to get a subscription just so we can cancel it. Apparently, The American Jewish Congress wanted to run a fairly inoffensive, if rather bland “ad”: in the magazine, highlighting the prominent role played by women in Israeli government. Seems reasonable to us. Apparently not to _Ms._, which “refused to run the ad.”: We have to say, we don’t find the magazine’s official excuse to be particularly compelling. You can’t run it because two of the women featured in it are from the same party, thus showing favoritism? Doesn’t that imply that the third is from another party? Doesn’t that, by definition, make it _bipartisan_? Jewdar can be as squishily lefty as the next guy, but it is moments like this that remind us why, when it comes to Israel, the left has done such an awesomely good job of alienating Jews who would normally support it.
Their logic is beyond my comprehension. Ms. Magazine should learn to explain their thinking so that people who aren’t womyn will understand also.
The decision by Ms. Magazine and the Feminist Majority that has now seized control of this publication is at the very least deplorable, and smacks of poltical pandering to their PC constituency, which is notoriously anti-Israel. In the past, Ms. Magazine
I agree. I will not be renewing my subscription to Ms. after this.
good to hear WB3.14.
make sure you tell them why you will not be renewing.
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