Wipe Out

Heeb‘s list of environmentally-friendly toilet paper alternatives has a new member: "Cloth wipes," which are basically reusable toilet paper. I shit you not. You can now get a set of standard wipes for only 11 bucks or pay 20 dollars for hemp or sherpa wipes.

I think I’m going to hold out for the race of shit cleaning robots.


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4 Responses

  1. Puck

    Seems kinda like the cloth vs disposable nappy debate (diapers for you Americans)…when you factor in the energy and water used to wash (launder) these things, they’re really not an environmentally responsible choice at all…and that’s without taking in

  2. iconic

    And after you wash them, I guess the environmentally responsible choice would be to skip the clothes dryer… just hang them on little hooks around your house- and explain reusable toilet paper to your friends.


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