When Kosher Fever Goes Too Far…

YourTango.com brings us a tale of kosher fever gone horribly awry with this feature, The Torah Turns Him On. The deck for this story, "One woman realizes her ex had a thing for Jews," is an understatement. The writer’s ex tells her upon first meeting, "’You know, it’s so funny… My grandfather was a Nazi officer but my dad and I, we absolutely love the Jewish people. Especially the women. Huge fans.’"

At the risk of sounding like Seth Myers, I just have to say, really? Really? I mean, we all have our predilections, and I myself dabbled with fellows with Nordic complexions, and yeah, my friend actually owns the domain Jewfetish, but this fellow, codenamed Hendrik, liked to stroke her shnozz instead of heading south. His version of sexy talk was listening to her chant Hebrew.

Luckily, she seems to have a sense of humor about the whole thing and the affair fizzles out before Hendrik’s desire to mix gene pools becomes a reality. His breaking point came when she bleaches her luscious Jewish locks blonde. I’m not sure why she didn’t run far, far away before this, but glass houses, stones, etc.

The whole kinky Jewish/German fetish has been parsed by people far more educated than me, with letters and fancy stuff after their names, so instead I’ll just direct you to the uncomfortable-making and very fine film, The Night Porter. For a taste of the perviness therein, peep this YouTube video. I’m not embedding it, because it’s not safe for work. Or much else, really. I saw it in a class taught by the German language professor whom all the girls had a crush on. Need I say more?

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