Shia LaDouche

Even though it’s been weeks since I’ve seen the film, I’m still having a difficult time getting the taste of shit out of my mouth from Steven Spielberg’s latest popcorn fare.

That the fourth Indiana Jones installment sucks has been well covered, but not enough has been made of how Spielberg continues to shove Shia LaBeouf down our throats. Take, this months’s GQ cover story, which uncritically hypes the 21-year old thesbian as "the Next Tom Hanks."

As Spielberg says of his new favorite on-screen avatar:

"When I first saw Shia, I was amazed at how someone so young could be so unselfconscious. In a sense, it’s not always what an actor says that impresses me. It’s how they listen. He seems closer to audiences in his ability to be himself."

"Unselfconscious"? "Ability to be himself"? Did Spielberg miss the Brando impression?

"The [Ryan] Goslings of the world are incredible to watch," LaBeouf tells GQ, "But they make character pieces…" Dude, until you no longer forced to fidget with a comb or switchblade in every seen you’re in, you’re probably going to want to avoid comparing yourself with Ryan Gosling.

Talk of plastic boy LaBeouf’s Indy character Mutt Williams getting his own spin-off isn’t making my stomach any less queasier. Make it stop!

What do you think?

About The Author

Brian Abrams

7 Responses

  1. Hesed

    LOL thesbian…is that like Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon in “Bound”?

  2. Brian Abrams

    Ya know, I was just about to switch “thesbian” to “thespian” but that would just be douchey on my part.

    Maybe I should just write “lesbian” and get it over with. But in all caps.

  3. Hesed

    They probably would be nicer to him if he weren’t being rammed down our throats by the high-priest of Hollywood.


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