Sarah Silverman is a Sick Yenta…

…or so says Jackie Mason in his response to Sarah Silverman’s PSA on the Big Schlep.

What do you think?

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6 Responses

  1. Anonymous

    While what he says might be technically correct, (you don’t have to be a racist in not wanting to vote for Obama) the sad truth runs to the contrary…my grandmother, for example, a normally rational person continues to insist he’s a Muslim, in defiance o

  2. Puck

    What has McCain accomplished? Probably nothing…which would still put him streets ahead of Obama.
    And to be fair, with a Muslim parent and education (however temporary) in a majority muslim school, it’s not unreasonable to have questions about Obama’s r

  3. iconic

    in Florida ,after Palin revs up her anti -Obama hatespeak,
    someone in the crowd yells ” Kill him! ”

    JM ….. really. . Which Sarah is the Sick Yenta??


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