Patrick Wolf: The _Heeb_ Intern Review

by editorial intern Laura E. Marcus

The first thing I thought when I saw Patrick Wolf grace the stage at Brooklyn’s Studio B was, “Holy shit, this guy is the Morrissey of my generation!” Now don’t get me wrong, I love The Smiths and Morrissey is a big reason why, but I understand that while everyone was first bobbing their heads in that detached, wholly ironic sort of way to “How Soon Is Now?” I was nothing but a 2 year old entranced by Fraggle Rock. So when I saw Wolf belting out the title track for his newest record “The Magic Position” I realized that I could finally have the sexually ambiguous, tongue-in-cheek British idol I had always dreamed of. Wolf plays an impressive smorgasbord of instruments—from classics like the violin and piano, to the clavichord and the theremin—and it seems like there is nothing that he can’t do. He played the entire show in his boxers, even with the palpable sense that there were hungry eyes all over the expansive club gobbling up every fantasy imaginable. When he belted out “Who puts me in the magic position, darling now?” I know that everyone was thinking, “I wish it were me.”

What do you think?

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One Response

  1. hwy505

    Gidone “Gary” Busch was an EDP (Emotionally Disturbed Person) responding offiers did everything in their power to isolate and contain. Busch was carrying and threatening the officers with a claw hammer – which when used against another living object i

  2. Hesed

    Of course, how else could you expect several trained officers to respond to a single person holding a hammer except with deadly force? Imagine if he we holding a screwdriver in the other hand or a crescent wrench.

    I guess we should be happy that you a

  3. iconic

    hwy505, Please tell us how you know that the family of Mr. Busch did not give “a crap about him for some time.”

  4. Hesed

    Iconic, don’t introduce rational thought into this. LOL

    But since you did let’s continue and try to break hwy505 out of his institutional indoctrination into the police-state mentality. Here’s some more good questions:

    Who had Busch previously attac


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