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Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Engaged

Gold diggers everywhere died a little bit last night, when the news was announced via twitter that model/businesswoman/babe Ivanka Trump and real-estate heir and newspaper killer Jared Kushner were engaged. The...
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Daily Links

In 1985, Ebony's Predicted Michael Jackson Will Have A Handsome, More Mature Look By The Year 2000 (The Daily What)Canadian Football Manager for Saskatchewan Roughriders Looks Like An Old Lesbian (Men Who Look ...
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Our Top 10 _Blossom_ Moments

By Matthew Newman Don't front—you know you parked yourself in front of the tube after school every week to watch the exploits of Six and Blossom—the hottest hatted duo since Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. ...
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_Heeb_ Hits Pitchfork in T-Minus One Day

In case you hadn't heard, Heeb's going to be hanging at Pitchfork all weekend long--starting tomorrow. Last year, I reported on 'fork fashion for our friends over at the Windy Citizen--this year we'll be bloggi...
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Brüno Victim To Get Spin-off Show?

Finally, someone realizes how to use the publicity generated by being an unwitting star in a Sacha Baron Cohen movie to their advantage. While Ayman Abu Aita, the "terrorist group leader," was out filing a laws...
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The Jewkbox Presents: Times New Viking

We loved Times New Viking, the lo-fi trio from Ohio, at SXSW in 2007 - their energy left us feeling tingly. On September 22 experience their "raucous sense of joy" without schlepping to Texas by picking up thei...
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Pitchfork Festival Organizers Talk Music and Fans

(Listen to Heeb's favorites and Pitchfork's bands to watch After The Jump) On July 17, Heeb takes the windy city by storm as a media sponsor of the Pitchfork Music Festival, a three-day event showcasing over 40...
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Remembering Dash Snow

Back in the day, when I was an editor at a hip art and fashion magazine, we used to joke that Dash Snow was pretty much everything wrong with the art world: a "self-taught" junkie tagger kid who poppe...
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Take That, Marat!

This has been a tricky week for relations between Russian and Jewish tennis fans. First, Anna Kournikova irately insisted upon her non-Jewishness and then Marat Safin talked smack about Israel. Before competing...