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Nosh Pit: How to Chop an Onion

Upon recent observation of my sister, who is no novice in the kitchen, I realized properly chopping an onion may not be such common knowledge. As the core ingredient to almost every good recipe, everyone should...
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Chosen TV: “How to Make it in America”

When we saw the promo material for HBO's new comedy-ish series,How to Make it in America,we confess to experiencing a certain amount of trepidation. On the one hand, we saw that the male lead, Ben, is played by...
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Zionists Made Me Whip Out My Schmeckle

(video after the jump) The Palestinian Authority has its very own sex scandal, and the horny politician in the spotlight, Chief of Staff Rafiq Husseini, is taking full responsibility for his actions. No, just k...
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The Na’vi Show Up at West Bank Protest

(video after the jump) Palestinian protesters at the West Bank town of Bil'in are dressing up as those oppressed Na'vi from Avatar as part of their weekly demonstrations. Palestinians say this barrier is part o...