Jews are Cool, CNN Reports

According to CNN, young Jews are rediscovering their identities through a new wave of cultural experiments. This "New Jew" phenomenon has, according to the news outlet, expressed itself in the beverage industry (He’Brew Beer), comedy (Sarah Silverman), the media (Heeb) and even in a documentary about a couple of chodes permanently inked with Stars of David (Tattoo Jew). Stay tuned as next week CNN investigates Richard Nixon’s apparent attempt to cover up the burglarizing of Democratic Party Headquarters.

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About The Author

Brian Abrams

19 Responses

  1. triple_lindy

    I read that CNN article and found it a bit disturbing. While the whole “tattoo Jew” thing doesn’t bother me at all, I hate reading that the new, cooler Jews are too cool to care about Israel, their heritage, their families and traditions…too cool to pla

  2. Puck

    Triple-Lindy, given the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Darfur, sane people generally consider that slightly more important than planting trees in Israel (am I even having this conversation??). It seems odd you’d encourage Jews to ignore genocide on a

  3. Anonymous

    Google may pay heed. “Level of community support is certainly one supra parts of the factors we’re considering,” says a Google spokesman who Reply

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