Ok, here is part deux of my fave tweeters. Each of these people are amusing and amazing. Follow them or be killed by a team of ninja assassins I have hired.
This guy wrote for the simpsons for many years so he is obviously hilarious. But what you don’t know is that he is also a nice guy. He deserves your pity .
Raisins got their name when Withered Grape Corpse Bran just sat on the shelves.
Amy is a great person and has a beautiful twitter.
I’m so envious of people who find their voice at a young age. Damn you Anne Frank!
Neal co -created The Chapelle Show with … you guessed it… Levar Burton. Wait , no , Dave Chapelle
At the end of a date with a lady, don’t say, “I’d love to see you again. But next time, a little more make-up, okay?”
I dont know her, but I love her.
Pets are like a snooze button for your ovaries.
These twins are amazing guys and comics. Also they love sports tweets so for all you meathead jocks who are closeted twitter nerds out there you are welcome.
Charlie Sheen bombed so badly last night NATO is thinking of dropping his show on Tripoli.
You might not know this guy from Human Giant but believe me, he is a giant of a human.
Fact 43: I have had sex with Judy Blume over 700 times #100factsaboutme
Rob is a hilarious actor AND writes these tweets? Talented bastard.
Single people should go to restaurants 2nite, eat lots of food alone, and when the waiter asks if you’re by yourself, vomit everywhere.
This guy is a really nice guy who is also an asshole. Enjoy.
I don’t think it would be fair to get houseplants right now. I can’t even keep a kid alive.
I met this dude in a bar in Echo Park where he was visiting on a “twitter trip”. I’m not kidding.
Apparently the Crips don’t need any cowardly Jewish men :(
This lady is a stepmom and a bad person.
Painting your face for a sporting event, tells me at the very least you’re “capable” of rape.
And the final tweeter for this week is :
Tune in next week for more while I continue to laze away on the beaches of australia.
Sincerely ,
@moshekasher (PS I’m better than all of the above named tweeters. No, seriously.)
Moshe Kasher is a stand up comedian who will be performing at the Melbourne and Sydney International Comedy Festivals for the next two weeks. He also has an above average sized penis.