Stuff Tushies Hate: Deranged Surgeons StuffTushiesHate June 2, 2010 Culture 3 Be sure to check out more gluteal abhorrences at
The Kid from Airplane! Remembers Gary Coleman and Peter Graves Shtetlfabs May 28, 2010 Culture 2 On Gary Coleman: "He was a pimp! His tux. His whole demeanor and look. Serious as hell."
Chosen Art: Klaus Theuerkauf, Mad Genius or Nazi Pornographer? Brian Abrams May 27, 2010 Culture 1 The Berlin artist spends most of his time on penis/vagina collages made to look like German soldiers.
An Open Letter to J.J. Abrams Heeb May 26, 2010 Culture 3 Not one Jew on Flight 815?!? Why not an Hasidic diamond dealer flying to L.A. after a weekend affair with a meth-smoking Australian prostitute?
Comedian Paul Provenza Proud to Call Friends “Horrible, Vile Things” Brian Abrams May 25, 2010 Culture The host of his own brand new show, Paul Provenza parses out out the talent from the hacks and talks about his favorite brand of comedy: "down and dirty and loose."
I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts Jewface Killah May 25, 2010 Culture Can Venkman, Stantz and Spengler take on the most powerful undead of them all?
Chosen TV: V, Which Is the Naziest? Heeb May 24, 2010 Culture The new remake has a 21st-century gloss, but how does it compare in the Holocaust analogy department?
Too Gay for Oy Babe? Try Jews I Would Do Jewface Killah May 24, 2010 Culture If hot Jewish chicks aren't your flavor, try the boys of Jews I Would Do.
If Jews Really Ruled the World: ‘Iron Man’ Edition Jonathan Jacobs May 20, 2010 Culture 1 Jewish weapons mogul Tony Starkman harnesses the power of the "Chai" to fight "Jews for Jesus" droids.
Sherry Vine: “They Call Me the ‘Weird Al of Drag'” Shtetlfabs May 20, 2010 Culture 3 Her “Shit My Pants” video parody of Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” recently passed five million views on YouTube.
Killing Israelis and Arabs in 500MHz or More: Mid-East Themed Video Games libbie May 19, 2010 Culture Forget Pong and Super Mario Brothers. With today's technology, you can practically plot an assassination in Dubai.
Gratuitous Jewess: Meital Dohan DanaMakover May 19, 2010 Culture 3 Our latest Jewess: an international beauty who prefers her acting roles edgy and her men circumcised.