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_Heeb_ Storytelling Hits Ann Arbor

John McCain may have forgotten about Michigan, but _Heeb_ hasn't! On Wednesday, October 15, _Heeb_ Storytelling travels to Ann Arbor, Michigan. The night will feature stories by author Danit Brown (pictured), c...
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Wigging Out

Are you a stylish Orthodox Jewish woman? Do you have $800 to blow? Then head to _www.sheitel.com_ where you can purchase your very own Sarah Palin lookalike wig. Update: the wig has been marked down to $700, so...
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The Scarlett Wedder

Voluptuous starlett (according to the Chicago Manual of Style, anyone writing about her must mention her curves) Scarlett Johansson got married on Saturday. The lucky groom is Ryan Reynolds, who was formerly en...
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_Z Rock_: The _Heeb_ Review

By Julia YoungZ-Rock (IFCTV's new series airing Sunday) follows ZO2, a real-life Brooklyn band that starts playing children's birthday parties for cash. Unfortunately, ZO2 spends half the time of the part-impro...
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Michael Phelps Wins Gold Medal in Dickhead

As the world weighs in on whether Michael Phelps is the best Olympic athlete ever, I would like to weigh in that he is one of the biggest a-holes ever. Or, at least that's what many of us at his alma mater, the...
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The Sad State of Michigan

It's a tough time to be from Michigan. Our economy is down the shitter, everyone who graduates high school (and that's not many people) leaves for NYC or LA and the Mayor of Detroit now has about as much polti...
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Batman Ends

First Heath Ledger dies. Then Christian Bale assaults his sister and mother. Yesterday Morgan Freeman was involved in a serious car crash. Coincidence? Or did Tom Cruise cast some diabolical, scientological sp...
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_American Teen_: The _Heeb_ Review

By Julia Young American Teen, the new documentary from Academy Award nominee Nanette Burstein, follows the lives of five teens in their senior year of High School in Warsaw, Indiana. One-by-one, we meet the joc...
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Brains Over Braun

What do Heeb Magazine and American Idol have in common? Neither do extensive background checks. Case in point: last year's Heeb100 fashion honoree Apollo Braun. In a horiffic incident in Union Square yesterday,...
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Feist Linked to Kermit

Thank blog for Youtube. For those of you who don't regularly watch Sesame Street as I do, you missed out on what is arguably the cutest music video ever. Canadian-songstress Feist guest stars and sings a slight...
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Holy Sheet! It’s Splitsville

Get ready for more Ben Affleck and Matt Damon jokes than you can stomach. After five years, the 21st Century's answer to Gracie and George, Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel, have called it quits....