Ashton Kutcher Twitters About Kabbalah

So, I follow the actor Ashton Kutcher (Twitter Id: aplusk) for God only knows what reason. And OK, I follow Demi (mrskutcher), Richard Branson (sirdickbranson), Lance Armstrong (lancearmstrong), R Kelly (R_Kelly) Jimmy Fallon (jimmyfallon), John Mayer (johncmayer), MC Hammer (MCHammer) and Shaquille O’Neill (the_real_shaq) too. While following aplusk, I learned that Kelso from That 70’s Show is rolling with Yehuda Berg.

"Doing a radio show w/ my friend Yehuda on wed 6pm est 3pst. I’m gonna try not 2 say anything that gets me in trouble Sirius 102 XM 155 35 minutes ago from TweetDeck."

What’s he worried about saying? That Madonna/Esther is a fauxbbalist? A Jesus loving Kabbalist? Who cares? Apparently, I do because we are reporting to you via his tweets that he was seeking Yehuda’s guidance on Monday.

"RT@yehudaberg: daily thought..its not how much you love someone when u love them… rather its how much you love them when you HATE them."

Is he talking about Demi? Diddy? Bruce? Is Tallulah bugging Ashton to do whatever it is a Tallulah does?

"RT@yehudaberg: Kabbalists spell holy w/ a W. The world is 1 & we R all connected. Treating others w/respect & care about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck."

Huh? Did he smoke some of Seth Rogan and James Franco’s post-Oscar party herb?

"@Yoshiling well if we figure out the philosophical stuff we won’t have to fight."

Like you, I’m fighting…the urge to punch myself in the face for reading and then writing about aplusk tweeting@yehudaberg.

What do you think?

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4 Responses

  1. Anonymous

    But he’s dug himself a partisan hole with this big bill, and it’ll be interesting to breitling watches see him try to dig his way out. On the one hand, an Academy Award is nothing to sneeze at. Bullock has


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