All Heebs on Deck: Help Send Johnny Physical Lives to the Tribeca Film Institute!

We need your help: please vote for Heeb Editor-at-Large Joshua Neuman’s JOHNNY PHYSICAL LIVES, a film about his late brother’s experience of leukemia and the power of rock ‘n roll.
If you’ve been reading Heeb over the last few weeks, you’ve probably seen how excited we’ve become about a film project called Johnny Physical Lives. Through home movies, animation and punk rock, Johnny Physical Lives is a one of a kind movie, telling the story of a young man’s experience with leukemia through the eyes of his alter ego – a rock star named Johnny Physical. That young man was Jonathan Neuman, star of Heeb’s first ever photo shoot, and the younger brother to our former publisher, Joshua Neuman.

“Love, Challah and Betrayal” featuring Johnny Physical (seated, center)

It’s strange that something as terrible as cancer could bring a community together. But, whether by donating money to the Johnny Physical Lives kickstarter campaign, voting for Johnny Physical Lives as IndieWire’s project of the week, or simply liking the Johnny Physical Lives page on Facebook, that’s exactly what’s happened; Heeb readers came together to support this project that we hold so dear, and in doing so became a part of the story of Johnny Physical – a story that continues to mean so much to so many.

But we need your help, one more time.

Johnny Physical Lives has been nominated for IndieWire’s “Project of the Month.” It’s an amazing honor, and represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the film and its creators. The winner of IndieWire’s Project of The Month will receive professional consultation from the Tribeca Film Institute – an invaluable opportunity to help the story of Johnny Physical Lives touch even more lives. But that won’t happen without youJohnny Physical Lives is one of four films in the running for Project of The Month, and it is currently behind in the voting. We need you to go to the IndieWire Project of the Month page and vote for Johnny Physical Lives. Then, we need you to tell your friends, family, casual acquaintances and random passers-by to do the same. Share this article on Facebook; Tweet the link to the IndieWire poll; Use smoke-signals to notify far-off neighbors. We don’t care how you get the word out, so long as you do.

This is the big one, folks – a chance for Johnny Physical Lives to be seen, heard and (perhaps most importantly) felt in a way that it simply could not be without winning this award. Please, vote for Johnny Physical LivesFrom our first photo shoot to the Tribeca Film Institute is a hell of a journey. With your help, we can make it, together.

Thank you.

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Heeb's Managing Editor knows more about Iggy Pop than you.

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