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_Heeb_ Storytelling Returns!

Less than two weeks until the next edition of Heeb Storytelling hosted by Flight of the Conchords' Kristen Schaal (above right along with Heeb arts editor/Heeb Storytelling director Shana Liebman). Schall will ...
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Something Smells Fishy

In a thousand years, will Heeb be remembered for its delightful prose or tasty roe? Yes, it seems that "Heeb," the sandwich, may be surpassing Heeb, the magazine, as a cultural touchstone. Last month,...
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Jesters Do Oft’ Prove Prophets

One is perhaps the most eminent historian of Jewish life in America. The other, a proponent of Flintstones marathons, bowling shirts and beer for breakfast. On the "op-ed page of this week's _Forward_,":http://...
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Goy Issues

You might be wondering what inspired "our latest vid": (aside from Sarah, Winona, Amy, Sarah Michelle, Rachel and Barbra). Well, in the past five years we've been asked...
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_Heeb_ Hookups

It's been almost a year since we produced our "_Heeb_ Hookups vid":, which spoofed J-Date, _Match.com_ and the desperate re-fashioning of the self that occurs nowadays ...