Ahhhh! Never-Before-Seen Video From The Beastie Boys! Ahhh!!!

2012’s Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, the last, and – as it turns out – final, Beastie Boys album, was hardly the trio’s best work. Kind of uneven, it felt a little over produced in some places, a little underproduced in others, and generally didn’t have the sort of magic, manic oomph I’d been hoping for. Still, it did have its moments, among them “Too Many Rappers”: A mid-tempo banger, featuring hip-hop superstar Nas.

Then, not long after HSCp2 hit the shelves, MCA succumbed to the throat cancer which had delayed the album’s release since he’d announced his illness in 2009. And so, we all thought, that was it. No more Beastie Boys.

Imagine, then, how excited I was to discover that hidden (or at least, not made public) on Beastie collaborator Neil Usatin’s website was an unreleased video for “Too Many Rappers,” and that the whole thing had been filmed by music video impresario Roman Coppola. Sure it’s not the Beastie’s at their fiercest, but it’s the boys I loved having fun, walking, talking, and spitting rhymes one last time:

Whether there’s too many rappers, or not enough, there will never be anything quite like the Beastie Boys. What a fucking shame.

*****UPDATE 1.12.15 – 8:14pm*****

Sorry, folks – Looks like the video’s been taken down. As soon as we find another post, we’ll embed

*****UPDATE 1.13.15 – 10AM*****

There we go. Worldstaaaaaaaaar!

[via Pitchfork, h/t Aryeh]

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About The Author

Yo Semite

A lover, a fighter, a kvetcher.

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