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Read the winning entry to our fake holocaust memoir competition: German author Maxim Biller's harrowing tale of pain, deceit and designer fragrances.

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Israeli Town Full of Fishmongers

Nothing brings more tourists running than weird shit--giant balls of string, women with four heads, mermaids. That's right, a mermaid has been sighted in Kiryat Yam, Israel, and the fannypack crowd is basically...
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Daily Links

Gaddafi Kills It With "Dictator Chic" (Agent Bedhead)Neverending Story Van People Are Still Mad (Film Drunk)Molly and Her Christian Friend Have "Insightful" Conversation With Indian Friend (...
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_NYC Prep’s_ Swastika Debacle

Oh my, Hitler is definitely in the air. Even NYC Prep's lothario Sebastian and his sidekick Gabriel from Bravo's real life Gossip Girl, are getting in on it with their Nazi-themed photo shoot. All they need to ...
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Hitler is Having a Moment

Text by Marni GrossmanFrom the silver screen to town hall meetings on health care reform, Der Fuhrer seems to be everywhere these days. Appropriating Hitler's image is a sure way to get people talking, whether ...
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Robin Quivers Bites from Lisa Lampanelli?

(video after the jump) Lisa Lampanelli wasn't at Comedy Central's recent Joan Rivers roast (she said she wasn't interested in attending if she wasn't going to be the roast master), but her spirit was there in t...
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Michael Bay Obliterates Israel

Having spent most of the summer in the Holy Land, Jewdar is only now catching up on our summer films. Even at this late date, however, we are still able to scoop the rest of the Jewish world (okay, except forth...
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Dreidel Hustler Interviews Al Pacino

OK, so I did it while enduring that whole Peter Brady pubey phase, also around the same time I connected with Ernest Borgnine and George Carlin. Forgive me for the awkwardly strung sentences, my journalism skil...