Drecks and the City

Jewdar is perfectly ready to lambaste our haredi brethren when they deserve it, so it only seems fair to heap kudos upon their black hats when they’ve done something good. They kept the Gloved One from getting up close and personal with the kotel back in ’93, and now their protests are keeping ads for the moronfest popularly known as Sex and the City from being put up around Jerusalem.

Of course, being the urban sophisticates we are, Jewdar is opposed in principle to censorship and coercion and whatnot, but we do have to admit that of course while they shouldn’t do such things, insofar as they are going to anyway, they could have done a lot worse. Now if only we can turn their attentions to Mathew Mconaughy.

What do you think?

About The Author


The Tel Aviv-born, Milwaukee-bred Jewdar has a bachelors' from the University of Wisconsin, a Masters from NYU, and an Honorable Discharge from the US Army, where he spent two years as an infantryman in the 101st Airborne Division. He's the co-author of "The Big Book of Jewish Conspiracies", the Humor Editor of Heeb Magazine, and a watcher of TV. Smarter than most funny people, funnier than most smart people, he lives on the Lower East Side with his wife and two sons.

30 Responses

  1. mrnhghts

    “Jewdar is perfectly ready to lambaste our haredi brethren when they deserve it”

    An example, please.

  2. Puck

    Awwww Jewdar, you’re not so bad *ruffle*
    I quite like Sex And The City :P
    Charlotte’s hot…

  3. Hesed

    I can see why you would say that Puck, but for those of us who actually go for vagina there is nothing more unattractive than a busted-out, middle-aged, alcoholic slag who sits around bitching about how unworthy all the men they meet are with their equall

  4. mrnhghts

    Okay, Jewdar, so you will speak out against haredim when 1) they are in Israel, and 2) They are mizrahi, and 3) are trashing earthquakes because they are nambla gay.

    As for your ” “suck it, bitch” comment in regards to the haredim, t

  5. jewdar

    You should really check the hechsher on whatever crack you’re smoking, mrnghts, because it seems adulterated by something. When have you ever spoken to us about hareidim? When have we refused to condemn something stupid or wrong done by hareidim? When

  6. mrnhghts

    Fact: Jewdar just conceded that,
    As for “refusing” to take a stand on metzitza b’peh, that implies we were asked to. For the record, our sons had it done, they are fine… it’s fine with us.

    Hence, we see that Jewdar absolutely end

  7. mrnhghts

    “it’s fine with us.”

    By the way, if by this Jewdar does, in fact, represent the editorial board of Heeb in endorsing grown men sucking on the blood of a baby’s penis, let me say that there have been greater surprises.

  8. jewdar

    The only thing we endorsed was the fact that the moyl didn’t charge anything for the bris; if some moyl wanted to charge nothing and use a pipette, that would be fine with us as well.

    We’re not quite sure about where mrnghts gets his defnitions (we thi

  9. mrnhghts

    “pedophilia is about sex, not just contact or exposure to naked infants’ private parts.”

    This is the EXACT haredi line, jewdar, and its results have been tragic, because they DON’T allow for the realities that have been hampering the ultra-Orthodox com

  10. Hesed

    Holy shit, this conversation is now too fucked up…even for me.

  11. Puck

    *awkward silence* So…Hesed….how about that local sports team?

    In short then, Charlotte’s not hot?
    G-d, I can’t understand you people :P

  12. Puck

    I’m just happy to see an argument that Hesed and I didn’t start lol.
    I’ve never actually even heard of the ceremony in question, but I can’t see any problem with it, a friend of mine converted (to Judaism) recently and they had to do some thing where they

  13. jewdar

    In a bath, or in a waterbed, because the former is legit, but the latter is definitely a red flag.

  14. Puck

    Definitely a bath…I was invited but I declined…seeing my nephew’s bris is one thing, seeing a grown friend of mine nekkid…quite another :P
    Does anyone have waterbeds anymore? They used to be the in thing but you don’t see them around much anymore.

  15. jewdar

    Well, normal modern people don’t, but you have to figure that the ultra-orthodox would still have them.

  16. Puck

    Either that or they’re looking forward to getting them in 40 years…waterbeds are very 80’s…I’m not sure the ultra-orthodox have made it to the 80’s yet…keep an eye out for pinstripes.

  17. Puck

    Either that or they’re looking forward to getting them in 40 years…waterbeds are very 80’s…I’m not sure the ultra-orthodox have made it to the 80’s yet…keep an eye out for pinstripes.

  18. Puck

    Either that or they’re looking forward to getting them in 40 years…waterbeds are very 80’s…I’m not sure the ultra-orthodox have made it to the 80’s yet…keep an eye out for pinstripes.

  19. Puck

    You may all be wondering why that post is there three times…I’m a bit of a spaz, let’s just leave it at that. :P

  20. iconic

    ” a bit of a spaz,” you say Puck……
    or is all your talk of waterbeds making you
    a bit too excited??

  21. iconic

    I too, never understood the appeal of waterbeds.
    But I think Puck, the effect is supposed to be ‘return to the womb,’
    not “ocean travel.”

  22. Puck

    I’ve spent my whole life avoiding the wombal area, I don’t wanna sleep in one ;)


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