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Drecks and the City

Jewdar is perfectly ready to lambaste our haredi brethren when they deserve it, so it only seems fair to heap kudos upon their black hats when they've done something good. They kept the Gloved One from getting ...
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Buddy Pick

Handsome Jew-hater Mel Gibson has always had a good eye for picking sidekicks. First there was the Feral Kid. Then there was Danny Glover. And over course, there was his main man, JC. Now it looks like Mad...
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Israel on Broadway

Sure, the Japanese went on their Hollywood studio spending spree and gays seem to have made their presence more well known, but every now and then, it's still nice to have a reminder that we're Jews, we're news...
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Gay Rights or Wrongs?

When it comes to the use of the word "gay" as a generic, high-school put-down for anything sort of bad or annoying, Jewdar feels a bit like a frosted mini-wheat. The adult in us frowns upon homophobia...
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Signed, Epstein’s Attorney

Professional rich Jew Jeffrey Epstein, currently negotiating with Florida authorities overunpleasant allegations that's he's been having sex with minors, was apparently contemplating a timely aliya on a recent ...
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Sequelle Magnifique

In Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg (profiled not long ago in one of America's most prestigious magazines) gave us one of the greatest Jewish lines in the history of film....
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Feeling a Draft

On this Israeliest of days, we're delighted by news that love of Zion is not dead, even if it at times needs a threat of a boycott to express itself. Israeli Ubermodel Bar Refaeli has become Israel's newest &q...
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Ben-Ami of the State

Besides being _Heeb_'s Humor Editor and premier entertainment reporter, Jewdar's distinguished service with the American military has led to our recent promotion as _Heeb_'s Military Affairs Editor. It is in t...
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Shawarmy Salesmen

For some time, Jewdar would hear of the high-quality but low-kosher schwarma offered at the Israeli-owned Chickpea restaurants in the East Village of Manhattan, and feel nothing but a sense of rage-inducing bet...
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Better Late Than Never

It took three years almost to the day of its release, but The Big Book of Jewish Conspiracies, the magnum opus by David Deutsch and Josh Neuman, has finally gotten a mention in the NY Times. Just for that w...
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Something Smells Fishy

When we first saw Media Bistro/Fish Bowl NY's blog post on the trials and tribulations of America's Favorite MagazineTM, we were thrilled that we had achieved that Britney-esque level of fame in which all of ou...
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Max Mosley, head of Formula One racing, recently lost a bid to prevent excerpts of his alleged S/M Nazi orgy from being screened.You might remember, Mosley, who may lose his job over the contretemps, was alleg...