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Shore Thing

I'm taking a piss in the foulest men's room in Coney Island when Artemis Pebdani bursts in. Apparently unconcerned that I might consider the act of urination to be a private moment, the actress pulls a lighter ...
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_Blossom_’s Flowery Getup

I know it's a bit late to show off Halloween costumes, but this one is too good. I mean, really, how often does one get to check out Blossom's vagina walking the streets for candy and drinks? Related Posts:Our ...
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Posh and Piglet Sitting in a Tree

Rumors are circulating that the Queen of Missing Ribs, Victoria Beckham, has in fact purchased herself two micro pigs. The pigs are said to be residing in BeckinghamPalace.No word on whether or not Posh is jeal...
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Jews are Cool, CNN Reports

According to CNN, young Jews are rediscovering their identities through a new wave of cultural experiments. This "New Jew" phenomenon has, according to the news outlet, expressed itself in the beverag...