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I can't tell you how much time I waste mocking basketball yarmulkes, matzoh toilet seats and the ubiquitous array of Super Jew t-shirtsI find online. But now that I've discoveredJudaican't, a Tumblr account com...
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Judaism 2.0 and the Clean Energy Bandwagon

What do 200 tree-hugging Jews in San Francisco have in common—besides heads of unruly dark curls? Sarah Silverman, believe it or not. On Sunday, November 8 at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco it wa...
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Yiddish for Schmendricks

Rarely has a short, seemingly meaningless piece of journalism sent Jewdar into such Hulk-like paroxysms of rage. We speak of a little bit offluff that appeared in last week's Forward,an inexplicably positive re...
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Robbie Chafitz Is Good for the Money

Meet Robbie Chafitz, a screenwriter whose short film Time Out screened at Sundance, and a contributor to Sex, Drugs & Gefilte Fish. He'll be telling his story, "The Money Was Good," this Thursday (Nove...
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Hollywood’s Mental Health Plan

If your insurance fails to cover mental health or you're wary of trying out a new shrink, take comfort in Heeb's list of our favorite fictional therapists of all time.Dr. Finch in Running With Scissors: Yes, I ...
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Grave New World

Sitting down at the table with Howard Bloom, Mitchell Joachim, Daniel Pinchbeck and Douglas Rushkoff is worse than sitting down with your grandmother. At least your grandmother feeds you after she frightens you about where the world is headed.
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Amy Winehouse Loves T&A

After struggling with her addictions to crank, coke, heroin, and BLAAAAAAAKE, Amy Winehouse is toying with a new vice - plastic surgery. Her recent boob job - going from a 32B to a 32D - has left her so happy, ...
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Jewish Make-Believe with Rebecca Addelman

Meet Rebecca Addelman, a writer and comedian living in Los Angeles who currently writes for the animated sketch show "SuperNews!" on Current TV. She's also the author of "Gershon" in Sex, Drugs & Gefilte Fi...